Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Hallowe'en!

Halloween almost fell by the wayside today since I was teaching day 1 of my first Reiki class. It was a wonderful experience and I'm looking forward to finishing up tomorrow! I have 2 students ... one from here and one from Canada.

But I stopped at the store and got mini Nestle Crunches and made it home in time for 15 trick-or-treaters. The cutest costumes were a beautifully gift-wrapped box with a big bow (a girl) and a cute green dragon (a boy) and his little sister who was a pink, red-haired fairy.

Times change, but the few trick-or-treaters we get are fun to see.

What's in a Name?

It's amazing how difficult it can be to come up with the right name for a pet. O.P. was easy, he had his name printed on his side! Chloe's name I found on a calico cat blog. We have just finally settled on "Rusty" for our new kitten after trying out dozens of names, mostly having to do with his being an orange cat. We kept coming back to "Rusty" so now it's settled! Next project is for him to start learning his name. Chloe never has, but O.P. definitely knows his!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Our New Kitten

Yes, we're probably crazy, but after looking at the cute kittens from the Borderland Humane Society in the paper every week, we finally decided to go look at some. Bruce & I went and fell in love with an adorable, cuddly, orange kitten named Benji. We're going to change his name, but haven't decided what it'll be yet. If you have any brainstorms, let us know!

And here's a couple videos of him playing!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Autumn Afternoon

Bruce thought it would be nice to get a few pictures of his orange Speeder and the fallen autumn leaves. A couple of deer decided they wanted to get in on the photo shoot too! Unfortunately they were frightened away by an ambulance arriving - with full sirens - at the hospital nearby.

Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Unique Personality Test

My daughter sent me this "test" today. It's fun and amazingly accurate, I thought! It'll be on the sidebar of my blog for awhile, but here's the explanation of how to do it:

When you click on the link, a series of 15 pictures will come up. Click on the photo in that category that appeals to you. Another 15 pictures will come up, click the one that appeals most to you and move on. Just continue picking. At the end it will give you a profile of yourself.... It's called a visual DNA.... Your choices dictate your profile.

Here's my VisualDNA. What's yours? Click below to ry it and see what you think!

Youniverse Personality TestYouniverse Personality Test

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Traveling on Real Tracks

This weekend Bruce and his friend Glen from Fort Frances went to Spooner, Wisconsin with the Speeder. They did some "runs" on their own and participated in giving kids rides on the "Pumpkin Train." 

Listen for both the bell and the train horn on Bruce's Speeder.

Here's another clip of Bruce driving his Motorcar ...

... and here's the view from inside the car with Glen driving

Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Steeples" Ad

The UCC just finished a two-week ad run on several cable networks. It brought lots of people to the ucc website and note of appreciation from people who never thought there was a church that would accept them: "no matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!"

If you didn't catch the ad on TV, you can watch it right now, right here!

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Adventure - YouTube!

I decided it was time to explore posting a (short - my little camera only does SHORT) video on YouTube and find out what that's all about.  

Soooo, here's a video of Bruce's Speeder... (click the triagle or anywhere on the picture to play it)